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Actualizado: 8 may 2021

-PUM- It was the last thing I heard before the bullet went through my chest.

When i woke up i didn't feel that piercing pain, and i wasn't in the dark alley where my eyes were closed either. Now he was in a beautiful green meadow. For the first time he was not breathing oxygen, if not freedom. The ropes that pulled my hands and my legs were gone, I could run and I could fly like a bird in its full freedom.

But the meadow was fading, my hatred and anger were leaving me uncontrollably, I did not remember who shot me and that irritated and devastated me, I felt small, I really was small.

Suddenly some cramps began to run through my body, I heard screams and words that said that I was recovering, they sounded happy.

I wanted to return to the meadow, but the cramps did not let me go, they did not want me to touch that calming light that made me happy.

Finally, after so much desperate fighting, I woke up in a room full of light, and had my killer right in front of me.


Categoría: 1-Inglés

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