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Arthur was a boy 15 years old that lived in São Paulo, Brazil. Physically he was blond, of dark skinned, and muscular. Due to the poor economic situation of his family, he has to stealing food and clothes. In his free time, he played football with his friends. Since he was little, his biggest dream was to be part of Palmeiras Football Club.

With 18 goals, he was named as "best player of the last season". His position was right-forward. His football boots, which he had collected from the trash, were smashed. There were still 10 league matches so, Arthur decided to steal a pair of it. Once he had stolen them, he tried to sneak out of the store. However, a man who was passing there, saw and stopped him. He asked if it was Arthur Gaucho. The boy, scared, said yes. The man, instead of calling the police, bought the football boots and proposed an entrance test to the youth of the Palmeiras Football Club. This man turned out to be the president of the club.

3 weeks later, he did the entrance test and they accepted him. The Arthur´s dream came true.


Categoría: 2-Inglés

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