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Actualizado: 25 abr 2021

She has been running for hours but she still doesn’t feel safe. Her thought is at her professor, what could have happened to him? The young lady regrets herself for not having tried to help him to escape as she did. But he let her the chance to escape from the castle, he sacrificed himself for one of them two to live, if she had gone to save him probably her spiritless body would have been underground. The old man surely was the closest thing to a father she had.

He saved her for the first time when she was nine, when the duke, owner of the castle wanted to sell her to a bad reputation bar because her mother, who was a cleaning woman, died earlier. The man begged the duke to let him have the child so she could assist him. After convincing him, the girl was left as a gift to the interpreter.

The duke might have gotten crazy if someone would have told him that his interpreter thought was teaching the little poor girl, but seven years later the girl knew three languages perfectly. The man saved her for becoming a man’s bar servant, of dying of starvation and now for being killed to know more than the duke wants anybody to know.


Categoría: 2-Inglés

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